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Mod Methods

The Mod type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBroadcastMessage(String)
Allows the developer to trigger an event that mod classes may listen to. Works in a similar way to the 'SendMessage' method of Unity but the message will only be sent to modded scripts. Allows the developer to implement event callbacks similar to mono behaviour messages such as OnTriggerEnter.
Public methodStatic memberBroadcastMessage(String, Object)
Allows the developer to trigger an event that mod classes may listen to. Works in a similar way to the 'SendMessage' method of Unity but the message will only be sent to modded scripts. Allows the developer to implement event callbacks similar to mono behaviour messages such as OnTriggerEnter. This overload allows a single value to be passed as an argument.
Public methodStatic memberBroadcastMessage(String, Object)
Allows the developer to trigger an event that mod classes may listen to. Works in a similar way to the 'SendMessage' method of Unity but the message will only be sent to modded scripts. Allows the developer to implement event callbacks similar to mono behaviour messages such as OnTriggerEnter. This overload allows an undefined number of values to be apssed as arguments.
Public methodStatic memberGetLoadedMod(String)
Attempts to get the ModHost for a loaded mod with the specified name. If the mod is not loaded then the return value will be null.
Public methodStatic memberGetLoadedMod(Uri)
Attempts to get the ModHost for a loaded mod at the specified path. If the mod is not loaded then the return value will be null.
Public methodStatic memberGetLoadedMod(String, String)
Attempts to get the ModHost for a loaded mod with the specified name and version. If a mod with the same name but different version is loaded then the return value will still be null (Explicit match). If the mod is not loaded then the return value will be null.
Public methodStatic memberGetSharedAsyncHandler
Public methodStatic memberIsModLoaded(String)
Checks whether a mod with the specified name is currently loaded by any ModHost.
Public methodStatic memberIsModLoaded(Uri)
Checks whether the mod at the specified path is currently loaded by any ModHost.
Public methodStatic memberIsModLoaded(String, String)
Checks whether a mod with the specified name and version is currently loaded by any ModHost. If a mod with a matching name is found but the version is not the same then the return value will be false.
Public methodStatic memberLoad
Load a mod from the specified Uri. A ModHost will be created to manage the mod and returned as the result. If the mod is already loaded then this method will simply return the ModHost for the loaded mod.
Public methodStatic memberLoadAll
Loads all mods that are installed in the ModDirectory. A ModHost will be created for each path specified. If no mods are installed then this method will return an empty array.
Public methodStatic memberLoadAllAsync
Loads all mods that are installed in the ModDirectory asynchronously. A ModHost will be created to manage the mod and returned as the result of the async operation. If no mods are installed then this method will return an empty array. The async operation will not be complete until all mods have finished loading.
Public methodStatic memberLoadAsync
Load all mods from the specified paths asynchronously. A ModHost array will be created to manage the mod and returned as the result of the async operation.
Public methodStatic memberLoadBatch
Load all mods from the specified paths. A ModHost will be created for each path specified.
Public methodStatic memberLoadBatchAsync
Load a mod from the specified Uri asynchronously. A ModHost will be created to manage the mod and returned as the result of the async operation. The async operation will not be complete until all mods have finished loading.
Public methodStatic memberParseAndLoadCommandLine
Parse all mod paths from the command line and load all mods.
Public methodStatic memberParseAndLoadCommandLineAsync
Parse all mods from the command line and load asll asynchronously.
Public methodStatic memberUnloadAllMods
Accesses all loaded mods and calls UnloadMod(Boolean) to free the host. Helper method to quickly unload all loaded mods.
Public methodStatic memberUnloadUnusedAssets
See Also