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ModLoadAll Method

Loads all mods that are installed in the ModDirectory. A ModHost will be created for each path specified. If no mods are installed then this method will return an empty array.

Namespace:  UMod
Assembly:  UMod (in UMod.dll) Version: (
public static ModHost[] LoadAll(
	bool autoActivate = true,
	ModDirectory modDirectory = null


autoActivate (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
Should the mods be automatially activated once loaded. See Activate
modDirectory (Optional)
Type: UModModDirectory
The ModDirectory used to locate all installed mods. Passing null will cause the DefaultDirectory to be used as the target search directory

Return Value

Type: ModHost
An array of ModHost representing the managers for each mod loaded. The length or the array can be used to determine the amount of load requests issued
See Also