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ModLoadAllAsync Method

Loads all mods that are installed in the ModDirectory asynchronously. A ModHost will be created to manage the mod and returned as the result of the async operation. If no mods are installed then this method will return an empty array. The async operation will not be complete until all mods have finished loading.

Namespace:  UMod
Assembly:  UMod (in UMod.dll) Version: (
public static ModAsyncOperation<ModHost[]> LoadAllAsync(
	bool autoActivate = true,
	ModDirectory modDirectory = null


autoActivate (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
Should the mods be automatially activated once loaded. See Activate. Note that activation must be performed on the main thread which will block until completed
modDirectory (Optional)
Type: UModModDirectory
The ModDirectory used to locate all installed mods. Passing null will cause the DefaultDirectory to be used as the target search directory

Return Value

Type: ModAsyncOperationModHost
An awaitable object containing progress and status information whose Result value will be an array of hosts managing the load requests
See Also