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ModRuntimeSecurityCheck Enumeration

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:UMod.Settings.ModRuntimeSecurityCheck"]

Namespace:  UMod.Settings
Assembly:  UMod (in UMod.dll) Version: (
public enum ModRuntimeSecurityCheck
  Member nameValueDescription
NoCodeValidation0 No runtime code validation will be performed. This could allow potentially unsafe code to run.
OnlyValidateUncheckedCode1 Only runtime code that has not been validated when building the mod will be checked. This may offer better load performance as the validation checks are performed at build time. Note that any code that was not checked at build time or has an invalid security hash will be validated at runtime.
AlwaysValidateCode2 All mod code will be validated prior to loading regardless of whether it was valdiated at build time.
See Also