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IModAssetInfo Interface

Represents common asset data for assets included in a mod

Namespace:  UMod
Assembly:  UMod-Interface (in UMod-Interface.dll) Version: (
public interface IModAssetInfo

The IModAssetInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAssetID
The unique id for this asset. This is guarenteed to be unique during the current session. Id's are not persistent.
Public propertyAssetIndexValue
Get the array indexing value for the mod asset. This value is only set when array indexing syntax is appended to the asset name. For example: 'myMaterialAsset[3]'. In this example the returned value would be '3'. If array indexing syntax is not present in the asset name then a default value of '-1' will be returned.
Public propertyExtension
Get the extension of the asset, For example: '.prefab'. The extension will always begin with a '.'.
Public propertyFullName
Get the full name of the asset. The full name is defined as the asset path relative the the export project folder including the asset extension, For example: 'assets/examplemod/subfolder/cube.prefab'.
Public propertyIsAlive
It is possible for a IModAsset to outlive a mod host in which case the asset it was referencing becomes unavailable. This property will return true if the asset is alive and loadable indicating that the mod host owning the assets is also still loaded. Load requests issued while an asset is not alive will result in a exception being thrown.
Public propertyIsLoaded
Check whether this asset is currently loaded.
Public propertyName
Get the name of the asset.
Public propertyRelativeName
Get the relative name of the asset. The relative name is defined as the asset path relative to the mod folder without the asset extension, For example: 'subfolder/cube'. If the asset is not in a sub folder then the value wil be equal to Name.
See Also