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IModAssetsIndex<T> Interface

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:UMod.IModAssetsIndex`1"]

Namespace:  UMod
Assembly:  UMod-Interface (in UMod-Interface.dll) Version: (
public interface IModAssetsIndex<T>
where T : IModAssetInfo

Type Parameters


[Missing <typeparam name="T"/> documentation for "T:UMod.IModAssetsIndex`1"]

The IModAssetsIndex<T> type exposes the following members.

Public methodAssetNameToID
Get the unique id for the mod asset with the specified name or path. Full paths with extensions, relative paths and names are accepted. A relative or full path should be used when there may be one or more assets in the mod with the same name.
Public methodExists(Int32)
Checks whether an asset with the specified id exists in the mod. Asset id's are generated at runtime and can be retrieved using one of the 'Find...' methods.
Public methodExists(String)
Checks whether an asset with the specified name or path exists in the mod. Full paths with extensions, relative paths and names are accepted. A relative or full path should be used when there may be one or more assets in the mod with the same name.
Public methodExistsIndexed
Checks wether an asset with the specified name or path with optional array indexing syntax exists in the mod. Full paths with extensions, relative paths and names are accepted all with optional array indexing syntax at the end of the file name. For example: 'myAsset[0]'.
Public methodFind(Int32)
Attempts to find an asset with the specified asset id. Asset id's are generated at runtime and can be retrieved using one of the 'Find...' methods. An IModAssetInfo contains detailed structure information about the asset.
Public methodFind(String)
Attempts to find an asset with the specified path or name. Full paths, relative paths and names are accepted however when using a full path the extension must also be specified. An IModAssetInfo contains detailed structure information about the asset.
Public methodFindAll
Attempts to return all assets in the mod. An IModAssetInfo contains detailed structure information about the asset.
Public methodFindAllInFolder
Attempts to return all assets that are inside a specific mod sub folder. The specified path should be relative to the mod export folder and should only contain forward slashes '/'. An IModAssetInfo contains detailed structure information about the asset.
Public methodFindAllInFolderWithExtension
Attempts to return all assets that are inside the specified mod subfolder and have the specified asset extension. The specified path should be relative to the mod export folder and should only contain forward slashes '/'. An IModAssetInfo contains detailed structure information about the asset.
Public methodFindAllNames
Gets an array of asset names that are in the mod. Only the asset name will be returned with no extension or path structure. As a result it is possible for multiple entries with the same name to exist which represent identically names assets at different folder levels.
Public methodFindAllRelativeNames
Gets an array of asset relative names that are in the mod. A relative name contains the folder structure of the asset relative to the mod export folder without the file extension.
Public methodFindAllWithExtension
Attempts to return all assets in the mod that has the specified asset extension. An IModAssetInfo contains detailed structure information about the asset.
Public methodFindAllWithName
Attempts to return all assets in the mod that has the specified asset name. Multiple assets with the same name can exist at different folder levels within the mod. An IModAssetInfo contains detailed structure information about the asset.
Public methodFindIndexed
Attempts to return all assets in the mod that has the specified asset name or the specified asset name plus array indexing syntax. For example: 'myMaterialAsset[0]'. All assets that match the 'myMaterialAsset' name that append the array indexing syntax will be returned. Note that explicit matching asset names with no array indexing syntax will also be returned. Multiple assets with the same name can exist at different folder levels within the mod.
See Also