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ModCommandLine Class

Responsible for accessing and parsing the applications command line in order to locate the specified command line token. Allows support for command line launching from the UMod Exporter for quick mod testing.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  UMod
Assembly:  UMod (in UMod.dll) Version: (
public sealed class ModCommandLine

The ModCommandLine type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllMods
Attempts to enumerate all paths found in the command line. This property may result in the command line being parsed automatically.
Public propertyHasMods
Returns true if the command line contains any mod paths; This property may result in the command line being parsed automatically.
Public propertySingleMod
Attempts to access a single mod path from the command line if one exists. This property will always return the first found path within the command line and any other paths will be ignored. This property may result in the command line being parsed automatically.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnvironmentString
Attempts to access the command line string generated by the application and combines it into a single space separated string.
Public methodParse
Begins parsing the application command line as provided by GetEnvironmentString(Boolean) to find any mod paths specified for loading. This method may result in the OnModCommandLine event being triggered if any mod paths are found.
Public methodParseString
Attempts to parse a user provided string to find any mod paths specified for loading. This method may result in the OnModCommandLine event being triggered if any mod paths are found.
Public eventStatic memberOnModCommandLine
This event is called when the command line is being parsed and detects a mod path. The mod path is passed to this delegate and can then be loaded.
See Also