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IModScenes Interface

Interface exposed to the modder for loading scene content from the mod package. Modders may want to make use of this interface if their mod contains scene assets.

Namespace:  UMod
Assembly:  UMod-Interface (in UMod-Interface.dll) Version: (
public interface IModScenes : IModAssetsIndex<IModScene>

The IModScenes type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCanLoadScenes
Returns true if the modder has permission to load scenes from the mod package, otherwise false.
Public propertyDefaultScene
Get the default IModScene for the mod or null if there are no scenes in the mod.
Public propertySceneCount
Returns the number of scenes that are included in the mod.
Public methodLoad(Int32, Boolean)
Attempts to load a scene with the specified name or path from the mod. Note that if the scene is not found then this method does nothing. You can use [!:Exists(int)] before calling this method to ensure that the scene will be loaded.
Public methodLoad(String, Boolean)
Attempts to load a scene with the specified name or path from the mod. Note that if the scene is not found then this method does nothing. You can use [!:Exists(string)] before calling this method to ensure that the scene will be loaded.
Public methodLoadAsync(Int32, Boolean)
Attempts to load a scene with the specified name or path from the mod asynchronously. Note that if the scene is not found then this method does nothing. You can use [!:Exists(int)] before calling this method to ensure that the scene will be loaded.
Public methodLoadAsync(String, Boolean)
Attempts to load a scene with the specified name or path from the mod asynchronously. Note that if the scene is not found then this method does nothing. You can use [!:Exists(string)] before calling this method to ensure that the scene will be loaded.
See Also