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IModAssets Interface

Interface exposed to the modder for loading content from the mod package. Modders should make use of this interface where the mod type includes asset prefabs.

Namespace:  UMod
Assembly:  UMod-Interface (in UMod-Interface.dll) Version: (
public interface IModAssets : IModAssetsIndex<IModAsset>

The IModAssets type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAssetCount
Returns the number of assets that are included in the mod.
Public propertyCanLoadAssets
Returns true if the modder has permission to load from the mod package, otherwise false.
Public methodInstantiate(Int32)
Attempts to instantiate an asset with the specified id. The asset will be loaded before instantiation if necessary.
Public methodInstantiate(String)
Attempts to instantiate an asset with the specified name. The asset will be loaded before instantiation if necessary.
Public methodInstantiate(Int32, Vector3, Quaternion)
Attempts to instantiate an asset with the specified id with the given position and rotation. The asset will be loaded before instantiation if necessary.
Public methodInstantiate(String, Vector3, Quaternion)
Attempts to instantiate an asset with the specified name with the given position and rotation. The asset will be loaded before instantiation if necessary.
Public methodInstantiateT(Int32)
Attempts to instantiate an asset with the specified id as the genric type. The asset will be loaded before instantiation if necessary.
Public methodInstantiateT(String)
Attempts to instantiate an asset with the specified name or path as the genric type. The asset will be loaded before instantiation if necessary.
Public methodInstantiateT(Int32, Vector3, Quaternion)
Attempts to instantiate an asset with the specified id as the generic type with the given position and rotation. The asset will be loaded before instantiation if necessary.
Public methodInstantiateT(String, Vector3, Quaternion)
Attempts to instantiate an asset with the specified name or path as the generic type with the given position and rotation. The asset will be loaded before instantiation if necessary.
Public methodLoad(Int32)
Attempts to load an asset with the specified id from the mod. Note that this method will simply load the asset without creating an instance.
Public methodLoad(String)
Attempts to load an asset with the specified name or path from the mod. Note that this method will simply load the asset without creating an instance.
Public methodLoadT(Int32)
Attempts to load an asset with the specified id from the mod. Note that this method will simply load the asset without creating an instance.
Public methodLoadT(String)
Attempts to load an asset with the specified name or path from the mod. Note that this method will simply load the asset without creating an instance.
Public methodLoadAsync(Int32)
Attempts to load an asset with the specified id from the mod asynchronously. Note that this method will simple load the asset without creating an instance.
Public methodLoadAsync(String)
Attempts to load an asset with the specified name or path from the mod asynchronously. Note that this method will simple load the asset without creating an instance.
Public methodLoadAsyncT(Int32)
Attempts to load an asset with the specified id from the mod asynchronously. Note that this method will simple load the asset without creating an instance.
Public methodLoadAsyncT(String)
Attempts to load an asset with the specified name or path from the mod asynchronously. Note that this method will simple load the asset without creating an instance.
Public methodLoadWithSubAssets(Int32)
Attempts to load an asset with the specified id from the mod along with all sub assets. The return array represents all sub assets of the specfied parent asset.
Public methodLoadWithSubAssets(String)
Attempts to load an asset with the specified name or path from the mod along with all sub assets. The return array represents all sub assets of the specified parent asset.
Public methodLoadWithSubAssetsT(Int32)
Attempts to load an asset with the specified id from the mod along with all sub assets of the specified generic type. The return array represents all sub assets of the specified parent asset.
Public methodLoadWithSubAssetsT(String)
Attempts to load an asset with the specified name or path from the mod along with all sub assets of the specified generic type. The return array represents all sub assets of the specified parent asset
Public methodLoadWithSubAssetsAsync(Int32)
Public methodLoadWithSubAssetsAsync(String)
Public methodLoadWithSubAssetsAsyncT(Int32)
Public methodLoadWithSubAssetsAsyncT(String)
See Also