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ModDebugHandler Class

A ModDebugHandler is a dedicated log handler which is associated with a ModHost and can be used to log messages in a mod specific context. You are also able to register any number of log receivers to handle how the logged data is used.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  UMod.Debugging
Assembly:  UMod (in UMod.dll) Version: (
public sealed class ModDebugHandler : IModDebug

The ModDebugHandler type exposes the following members.

Public propertyReceiverCount
Get the number of IModDebugReceiver registered with this handler.
Public propertyReceivers
Get an enumerable collection of all registered IModDebugReceiver instances.
Public propertyUseStackTrace
Should the handler generate a stack trace for each logged message. By default, stack traces are enabled. note that generating a stack trace for each log message will have an small impact on performance.
Public methodAddReceiver
Add the specified IModDebugReceiver to this handler in order to recieve logged messages.
Public methodLogError(String)
Log an error to the debug handler.
Public methodLogError(String, Object)
Log an error to the debug handler.
Public methodLogException
Log an exception to the debug handler.
Public methodLogMessage(String)
Log a message to the debug handler.
Public methodLogMessage(String, Object)
Log a message to the debug handler.
Public methodLogWarning(String)
Log a warning to the debug handler.
Public methodLogWarning(String, Object)
Log a warning to the debug handler.
Public methodRemoveAllReceivers
Causes all registered IModDebugReceiver instances to be removed from this handler.
Public methodRemoveReceiver
Remove the specified IModDebugReceiver from this handler.
See Also