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Mod Properties

The Mod type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberCommandLine
Access the mod command line arguments. This allows for parsing the command line into Uri path objects for each mod specified.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultDirectory
Get the uMod default directory where mods can be installed. This is equivilent to 'Application.persistentDataPath + "/Mods"'. This directory will be used by default to load references and command line mods.
Public propertyStatic memberIsPlatformSupported
Returns true if the current runtime platform is supported by uMod. When in editor play mode, this value will return true. Only desktop platforms are supported (Windows, Mac linux).
Public propertyStatic memberIsRunningMods
Allows the developer to determine whether any mods are currently running. Atleast one mod host must be successfully loaded for this property to be true.
Public propertyStatic memberIsTrialVersion
Returns true if the current version of uMod is running in trial mode. When in trial mode, uMod 2.0 cannot be used in release builds and the scripting system is disabled.
Public propertyStatic memberLogger
Get the log receiver for umod. All loaded mods will log to this receiver.
Public propertyStatic memberPersistentDataDirectory
The folder location where uMod will store persistent data for mods. By default this directory will be set to 'Application.persistentDataPath + "/Data/UMod"' but can be changed using the property setter.
Public propertyStatic memberRunningModCount
Allows the developer to get the exact number of mods that are currently running. The mod host must be succesfully loaded to be counted.
See Also