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IModPersistentData Methods

The IModPersistentData type exposes the following members.

Public methodClearAll
Clears all saved data for this mod.
Public methodExists
Checks whether a value exists for the specified key.
Public methodLoadBool
Attempts to load a boolean value from the persistent store.
Public methodLoadFloat
Attempts to load a floating point value from the persistent store.
Public methodLoadInt
Attempt to load an integer value from the persistent store.
Public methodLoadString
Attempts to load a string value from the persistent store.
Public methodSaveBool
Save a boolean value to the persistent data store.
Public methodSaveFloat
Save a floating point value to the persistent data store.
Public methodSaveInt
Save an integer value to the persistent data store.
Public methodSaveString
Save a string value to the persistent data store.
See Also